Friday, March 6, 2009

We have a new puppy!

Last Sunday, we went to my mom's house for dinner after church. We had yummy beef enchiladas, cleaned up dinner, and then just hung out and visited. Thanks for the yummy dinner mom!

Grandma Nancy and Russell were in the kitchen, and they started calling for me to come see what they were up to. I get in there, and my mom says, "Wow! What a cute little puppy you have." I look behind her, and there I spot the adorable puppy.

Isn't he just adorable!

And look, he even knows how to beg!

Yeah, so Russell and Grandma Nancy had this all worked out. The puppy (AKA Russell) had his own water bowl on the floor to drink out of, he was running around the house on all fours, begging for food, and eventually got his own bowl of "dog food" (AKA cashews). He had such a fun time.

And, just for the record, we do have our two other dogs. I routinely call them monsters, but they really are good dogs. Last year, after MUCH begging from the kids, we went to the animal shelter and the Humane Society to look for a dog. I wanted a small, short haired, older dog that was already house trained, done with the chewing and digging, that already had some social skills.
We came home with two black puppies that grew into quite large dogs. Little Ann and Old Dan are from the same litter. Their mom is a pure bred Red Bone Coon Hound and apparently their dad is a black lab. They are beautiful dogs and they're very good natured. We took them to puppy kindergarten to teach them some manners, and found out they're pretty good learners, despite they're sometimes overwhelming enthusiasm. Totally NOT what mom had in mind, but somehow it turned out great anyway.

It's hard to get a decent picture of them together. Especially if you want them to actually hold still for the picture. =)

Here's Old Dan next to Zack, just to give you a good idea of how "small" they are. Old Dan is the bigger of the two. Russell is so cute. He calls Little Ann "Little Girl", even though she's a good sized dog herself.
Here they are, again with the licking. (I think they're enjoying some dessert that Russell left on the table for them.)

So, no matter how many animals we happen to have on any given day, we love them all!


sandy said...

wow those dogs are beautiful. do they both stay in the house? you are a good mom. I would of just opted to have the kid pretend all the time. it was good to see you today.

Nancy said...

What happened after he ate all those cashews? You forgot about that? Russell can tell you ! ! !

Lisa said...

I will spare everyone the graphic details, but Russell even said, "It was disgusting!" Let's just say Russell will be limited to one handful of cashews (instead of 1/3 of the can) from now on.

Lisa said...

Oh, just in case anyone else is wondering about the dogs being in the house- they are OUTSIDE dogs. They sleep in the house at night in their kennels right next to the patio door. We let them in the house occasionally when it's really cold, or just because. I love them, but I don't think I could trust them unkenneled in the house without supervision. =) And yes, in my totally unbiased opinion- I agree, they are beautiful dogs!

gina said...

Ava has been really into acting like animals lately too. She runs around the house on all fours meowing or growling, or whatever, or wears a blanket over her shoulders and squeeks like a bat. Ewww...I don't think I want to know what happened to the cashews..

fireopal66 said...

This was an awesome post, how cute,cute,cute! I love all your dogs! Hope you have a wonderful week and maybe we will see you guys.