I've had a lot on my mind lately... except random words that vanish from my head right as I'm about to say them. Oh, the pregnant mind.
First of all, Friday was our official "halfway" point of 20 weeks pregnant. Technically though, I'm not saying we've reached halfway until Tuesday at 20 1/2 weeks since my average is 41 weeks. Coincidentally, Tuesday is also the 14th anniversary for me and Brian. Wow- time just flies by. We are planning to celebrate this milestone with a romantic, florescent lit, hospital food dinner while Brian is completly loaded with narcotics. Brian goes in for major back surgery tomorrow. We're both a bit nervous since this is a big procedure, but we have faith that we will be blessed with a good recovery for Brian. He's tried everything else- this was the very last option; but he's ready to have some actual pain relief. We're confident in the doctor's abilities and trust that our Heavenly Father will bless us with strength to get through the surgery and the long road to recovery. Thank you to everybody who has shown their concern, prayers, and love- it really means so much to us.
Now for a lighter, more trivial matter. Friday I got my first hornet sting. At least, it's the first one I can remember. I wouldn't swear on this- pregnant mind and all, but I am pretty sure. Anyway- OUCH. We had been doing lots of yard work, and Brian had sprayed multiple nests. One snuck up on me while I was working in the flower bed and stung my arm. I didn't see it, but I heard it buzzing in my hair- twice. Ewww. I hope none of my neighbors witnessed my "hornet dance." I was a little worried since now would be a most inconvenient time to discover I was allergic to stings, but thankfully I'm not. The swelling is not too bad and I'm hoping the itching will go away soon. Very soon.
Last matter of business: baby names. Since we have a very modest baby on our hands, we are still considering girl and boy names for our little one. We are very open to suggestions- that is, unless you will be upset if you offer a suggestion and we don't choose it. Our only criteria, other than all five of us liking it, is that is needs to be able to be shortened to a nickname. That's how the first three are, and we think it's only fair to stick to tradition on this. Otherwise, we're pretty open minded to any name (except for maybe Petronella or Sven- sorry Grandpa Gerald).
8 years ago
ouchy! I have been stung before both pregers and not and it hurts either way... almost more when your pregnant... hormones and everything. Again anything you need we are here for you, Brian, and the kids!
and I like Jessika for a girl (Petronella's nice too ;-> Nelly)
Steven for a boy But I know that whatever you choose will be perfect for your baby cuz he/she will be!
I like Isabella for a girl, you could call her Izzy or Bella (But with the whole Twilight thing, you may not want that). Don't have a boy name, never have been to focused on those...but I will take notice if one catches my fancy. I will be calling you to see which night you would like dinner! GOOD LUCK BRIAN! We will be praying for you!
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