Here's the scoop- my tooth was VERY infected. Dentist said I had good reason to be in so much pain. The root canal went very smoothly. I was a little worried when they told me that there were three canals in this tooth and two of them happened to be curved. But, it turned out to not be troublesome for the procedure. I have to confess, it felt SO good to be numb! Even when I had the biting block and the rubber dam and a bunch of tools in my mouth. Somehow, that was more comfortable than I had been for days. Anyway, now I just need to go back in for a crown, so all the hard work isn't wasted if my uncrowned tooth decides to crack or break apart. (Feel free to read this as $$tooth$$$dentist$$$$crown$$$cha$ching$$. This is how I usually feel at the dentist's or doctor's office.) Sometimes I feel guilty spending so much money on one tooth, but then I snap myself out of it and remind myself- it's not as if I planned, caused, or asked for this to happen. IT just happens.
Well, back on track here, I feel like a new woman. Okay, I feel like a not-as-young-as-I-used-to-be wife and mother of three who's been out of commission for a week and is SOOOOO glad to be back. That's more like it. But talk about night and day difference. I made the hygienist laugh when I said, "Whoever said not to sweat the small stuff, was NOT talking about a toothache."

I did some laundry and yard work today and really enjoyed being able to have a little more control of my surroundings. I often feel like there are so many things I take for granted. Good health, a happy and loving family, the ability to do laundry, the chance to be outside in the sunshine pulling weeds. So, I didn't erase my whiney, complaining entry- I guess I just needed to vent. Hopefully it will serve as my reminder to stop and remember all I have to be grateful for. (It's just so much easier to remember when the house is already on the wicked witch!)
Thank you so much to everyone who checked on me and took care of me. I am so blessed to have so many terrific people in my life! You are wonderful!
I just read your last 3 entries. You have had quite the week. I am so sorry you had such a bad time. I loved how you wrote all of it! very real and so so funny, You are amazing and I love you so much. You guys have a wonderful Spring break and think about us in 90 degree weather basking on the beach. Have a great one.
I'm glad you are doing better. I love your red sparkly shoes. I should borrow them. They fit me perfectly!!!
Hi Lisa,
It's Lindy. I found your blog through Sandy's, I hope you don't mind me looking at it. It's so great to see how you're doing. Your family is so cute! Dani is growing up so much, I remember her from a few years back and thought she was such a sweetheart. All of your kids are so cute! I'm so glad you are feeling better with your tooth. That sounds really awful! It's great to catch up with you, I think about all of you guys often. Tell Nancy Hi for me. :)
Have a great day!
Okay--Where are the updates? I know you guys have been having fun so let's hear about it:)
I'm still waiting...
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