Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dogs Don't Wear Underwear

So, here's a funny story for ya.

This morning, Russell went downstairs to watch TV while I was getting dressed. He was still in his pajamas. I get dressed, go downstairs and find Russell sitting on the couch. Watching TV. NAKED! Yeah, you read that right- Naked! Totally, Completely, Naked.

I tried to hide my surprise.

"Russell, why are you naked?"

"Because I'm a puppy. And dogs don't wear pants or underwear."

He says this to me with a look on his face that clearly said, "DUH, Mom!"
Well, who can argue with the logic of a three year old? I mean, after all, he is right.

After I stopped laughing- on the inside of course- I explained that we really need to wear pants and underwear, even when we're pretending to be dogs.

Where do kids come up with this stuff?


Unknown said...

Lisa...can't read this post due to the color.

gina said...

Yeah, can't read it!

Lisa said...

Okay, sorry. Murphey's law- the ONE TIME I don't check it as soon as I'm done....

Anyway, it should work now. I bet I really had you wondering though- lol.

gina said...

He he, that is funny. Kind of like Ava and her "do princesses wear underwear". Where do they get it?