Okay, just to be honest- THIS is the sign that should be on my front door right now. AAGGHHH!
Does this happen at anybody else's house when the mom feels yucky?

The last week, I have not been feeling well. Apparently, I have an infected tooth. OUCH! TIMES TEN. TIMES INFINITY. Yes, I know I'm being dramatic, but I thought I'd give you a taste of what my poor family has been going through. The dentist put me on antibiotics and informed me that I need a root canal. Yay me! Again AGGHH! Mom in pain is NOT a pretty thing.

Take cover, the end may be near. Well, seriously, I have spent a good deal of the past few days, in bed, sleeping, whining, taking pain medicine, wishing I was in bed, or sleeping, or taking something stronger for the pain. (Three doses of Vicodin did not even touch the pain. No mom, I did not take them all at the same time.) But to add to my pain, my house honestly looks like a tornado hit it. Or, to be more honest, like three tornadoes hit it.

See, I'm not just exaggerating- I have proof. In a mostly wasted attempt to try to ease my pain, I could not be dashing around the house as usual; and therefore, almost nothing has been getting done. Dani has been really good about making food. Real food for everyone else, and mashed potatoes and chicken soup for me. Zack and Dani have been entertaining Russell and helping me with a lot of the little things. My mom has helped with the kids. Brian has been working ten hour days and then coming home to be chauffeur and referee, uh, I mean dad. Russell has been.......... well, actually we haven't seen Russell lately. I'm assuming he's in one of the many gigantic piles of toys in his room. At least, I think that door at the end of the hallway leads to a bedroom- it's kind of hard to tell at this point. What can I say, he's a very curious, energetic three year old boy, who is quite bored with mom not wanting to participate in much of anything but reading him a book (but only if the drugs have kicked in and I can move my mouth without wanting to cry). I'm not trying to place blame on anybody here- Everyone has their own jobs around here- I'm just pointing out that when mom isn't able to do her job, well........ the results look like the above pictures.
Okay, I will stop my complaining for now. (But it weally huuts mommy!) I just thought I'd use my blog as a way to whine to somebody besides my immediate family. Lucky you. I'm sure when the drugs wear off, and my root canal is over (how strange is it to be looking forward to having THAT done?) that I will want to delete this entire entry. But, hey this is real life. Mom gets sick. Root canals happen. Life goes on. A better, stronger woman would probably just keep smiling, forget about the pain, dizziness, and sleep deprivation and clean the house while singing. Then she would make a blog entry about how happy she is and how wonderful her life is. Well goody for her. I, on the other hand, will whine when it hurts, cry when it really really hurts, and let the housework pile up until I feel more up to it. Just keepin' it real.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is, please don't pop in for a surprise visit for the next few days. I would feel absolutely terrible if a kind visitor of mine was to get sucked into a looming tornado.
Well, this too shall pass, right?

Hey- at least I can see the rainbow at the end of the root canal.
OOOH, WHAT are best friends for if you don't call them? I'm calling you tomorrow!!!!!!!!
I was so suprised to see your blog on my moms! I love blogging! Visit ours anytime www.holversonfamily.blogspot.com
When is that root canal?
Sorry to hear about your pain (tornado's). Send your kids over to me anytime. Don't call, just send. And if you need any shuttling to soccer or anything let me know. I hope you get feeling better.
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