Monday, August 24, 2009

Blah, blah, blah

In case you were wondering, I did NOT fall off the edge of the earth. Somehow, blogging or facebook, or texting, or even phone calls have just not been fitting into my schedule recently. I know- only I can MAKE time for these things, but something had to give or I would be typing this from a padded room right now. I have made up my mind to be totally okay with slacking on these things for now. I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately with things like getting kids ready for school, cleaning and dejunking the house, having two yard sales in a row, watching Brian like a hawk to make sure his recovery keeps going well, making preparations for our baby GIRL, and most recently- recovering from the stomach flu. (Why does pregnancy have to amplify things?) Anyway, please don't be offended if you've sent me an email I haven't responded to, or I don't have any clue what going on in facebook land, or if I haven't commented on your blog, or I haven't called you lately, or any number of other things I've been completely slacking on. I'm simply trying to preserve the little bit of sanity I have left, and this is how it's working out right now. I know I'm happier without stressing about not doing all these wonderful things, and less stress is just plain better. Someday I'll get back with the program, but I don't know when that will be. I'm still here and things are plugging along just fine. So please, don't write me off just yet.


MelisaH said...

oh Lisa...we would never write you off...even a little bit! we should be better about checking on you guys!

Nancy said...

I'll never write you off, but some days you probably want to write me off. But then who would baby sit, and then they wouldn't have a grandma to call up and say grandma can I came and spend the night with you. Love you Lisa

Nichelle said...

Don't feel bad. I haven't updated my blog since May. I have good intentions, but ya know. We love you guys:)