Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Growing Vocabulary

Russell is at such a fun stage right now. I love being able to see my kids going through the whole thought process of things and being able to figure stuff out on their own. Recently, Russell has been using some big words. He uses them correctly and each time a new "big" word comes out of his mouth, I just think- wow- where did that come from? Here are a few examples:

Hilarious- as in, "Oh yeah, I saw that show and it was hilarious!"

Irritating- as in, "Can somebody turn of this music- it's really irritating!"

also as in, "Mom, can you cut this tag out- it's irritating me!"

Incredible- as in, "Zack and Dani- did you know horses can sleep STANDING UP??? That's incredible!!"

also as in, "Mom, I just sent a message on your phone. I went to 'tools' and then started typing, and then it sent it TWO times! Isn't that incredible?"

I know there are more, but my overloaded mind can only remember those for now. I'm so glad Russell is part of our family. He just makes me smile!


Nancy said...

Grandma Nancy love all her incredible grandkids.

MelisaH said...

That is incredible! what a cute boy he is!

fireopal66 said...

Russell is so hilarious and incredible, I love that kiddo! have a beautiful evening! hugs to U!!