Yup- you read it right. Today is the official due date and baby (as expected) is much too comfy to be trying to go anywhere. Our last two doctor's visits have confirmed that nothing, and I do mean nothing, is happening to indicate our little girl is getting ready to come out. I had the stomach flu (again - icky!) and that didn't even start anything. But, more importantly, everything appears to still be going very well. A healthy baby is MUCH more important than an "on time" baby! So, I'm still waddling along.
Everybody asks how I am feeling and if I'm ready to have baby here. I answer honestly- I feel pregnant, but good. As far as being ready..... Well, short answer- YES! and NO! Long answer, NO! How could I ever feel "ready" when there is always more to do, more preparing that I think needs done, worrying about labor and delivery, washing clothes and blankets, cleaning and nesting, and praying our wonderful baby is perfectly healthy. I will truly miss being pregnant, feeling my baby stretch and roll and wiggle in my belly, knowing a precious little one is growing and developing inside me according to God's plan. This overwhelming blessing to be a mom to another one of God's children is something I don't think I could ever really feel "ready" for. And then of course, there's YES! I'm ready to be done waddling, to sleep on my tummy again, to regain some control of my own body, to take a HOT bath, to tie my shoes and not feel out of breath, to be a bit more comfortable. And mostly, yes- I am ready to hold my precious baby girl in my arms. To meet her, see her, hold her hand, touch her face, rock her and sing to her, talk to her, and smell that amazing baby smell she will have. I am so ready- it makes it very hard to be patient for her arrival.
I am scheduled to be induced Wednesday, December 16th. I'm assuming nothing will happen between now and then to change this plan. I will post pictures as soon as I can. And thank you to everyone who has sent their concern and excitement and well wishes our way- you are wonderful!!!
We can't wait to see her! I am glad you are in good spirits; call if you need anything!
Wooh Hooh! Wednesday is not too far off. Good luck with all of the getting her here stuff. I love ya and can't wait to see your new baby girl.
Yes I can wait for Dec. 16, to be able to hold my new granddaughter.
Hooray!! We are so excited:)
Good luck with everything, Lisa! I can't wait to see pictures!! :)
Yea! We are so excited for you!
I need updates:)
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